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Director's Welcome,

The Leto Music Department has a long established sense of tradition in excellence and high standards. The success of the department centers on pride, sacrifice, commitment, and the willingness to work hard to achieve personal and common goals. Understanding these basic requests from the music department for the students will allow all of us to progress in our efforts to maintain a first-class musical atmosphere.


While the Leto High School Music Program is not asking any student to become a virtuoso on their respective instruments, we do ask that all students adhere to the responsibilities set forth in the Music Handbook to establish proper routines, procedures, and rules to ensure that the equipment, facilities, and standards are maintained to the highest degree possible.


In order to assist the musicians/band members and parents in understanding areas of responsibility, a statement of band philosophy is herein set forth. Becoming familiar with this philosophy will enable each individual to make the most of this great opportunity. We only maintain two requests to be a member of the Leto High School Music Program: that each student makes constant strides towards becoming 1) a better person and 2) a better musician.


Through individual practice, common rehearsals, performances, assignments, and listening activities the students will gain knowledge and skills that will enable them to:


  • Perform and strive for a constant state of musical evolution.

  • Appreciate music as an art form and understand its place in the realm of human existence.

  • Succeed in other areas and facets of their lives.




Mr. Aaron Cabrera 

Director of Band and Choir

A.P. Leto High School

Our Philosophy

The A.P. Leto High School Band has a Wind Ensemble, Jazz band, and Marching band. The students at our school dedicate their time to show excellence through music, but our vision is much more than that. Our band room contains a banner emblazoned with the motto, "It's All About Pride, Ladies and Gentlemen", and our our Leadership motto is "More Than A Band." These simple sayings capture both the elegance and overview of the program, you must be proud of your work, give effort to see your work through, and the band program gives you a lot more than just musical talent, it teaches you how to be successful, all while still attending high ​

Our History
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